Bio Stimulant

Bio Stimulant

Volkschem Crop Science Pvt. Ltd is Prime Quality Bio Stimulant Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Bio stimulant isvital products that decrease need for fertilizers & increase plant growth, resistance to water and abiotic stresses. Even In small concentrations, Bio Stimulant is more efficient, favouring the good performance of the plant’s vital processes, and allowing high yields and good quality products. Supplementary, bio stimulants applied to plants augment nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and/or plant quality traits, irrespective of its nutrient contents.

Benefit: -

Following are some of the prodigious benefits of using bio stimulant

  • Increase the number of flowers on plant
  • Increase the size of flowers and fruits
  • Enhancing the quantity of flowering
  • Stop the dropping of flowers
  • Increase the no of branches
  • Improves the plants quality
  • More productivity through increasing quality flowering
  • Improves the flower quality in shining, size, and colour
  • Provide nutritional support to plant at critical stages of growth and enhance quality
  • Release nutrients in plant rhizosphere thus stimulate growth of beneficial micro-organisms
  • Eco-friendly and non-toxic

Doses: -bio stimulant ideal dosage is about 30ml in 15 litrewaters

Application: -it is applied in the form of spray

Usage: - spay at flowering stage, after flowering, and last stage of plant, for better result use 15/20 days interval in one crop in twice

Crop recommended: - cotton, all vegetables, fruits, flower, pulses, soyabean paddy, wheat, maize(makka)

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